
Pro­jekt Nr. 4: CoHealth


The evo­lu­ti­on of chro­nic dise­a­ses is a pre­do­mi­nant chal­len­ge seen in glo­bal public health. Chro­nic dise­a­ses such as Hyper­ten­si­on and Dia­be­tes are respon­si­ble for 20% and 10% of world­wi­de deaths, respec­tively. Espe­cial­ly for such pati­ents, it is chal­len­ging to search for & find a pro­per care­gi­ver and other pati­ents facing the same chal­len­ges, which might have alrea­dy over­co­me the health con­di­ti­on.

Our visi­on is to pro­vi­de a solu­ti­on for appro­pria­te health & tre­at­ment to every indi­vi­du­al in this world and build a com­mu­ni­ty of pati­ents, care­gi­vers, and rese­ar­chers who trans­par­ent­ly col­la­bo­ra­te towards glo­bal health.

We envi­si­on the dawn of a new era in medi­ci­ne & well­being: a world which goes bey­ond eHe­alth to Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve Health, becau­se everyone’s expe­ri­ence mat­ters and can con­tri­bu­te to a bet­ter way of living.

CoHe­alth con­nects pati­ents, care­gi­vers, and rese­ar­chers glo­bal­ly. For pati­ents, the main goal is to, find a pro­per care­gi­ver and/or other expe­ri­en­ced peop­le who might help them as well. For doc­tors, the main goal is to, deve­lop bet­ter and trust­worthy com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with their pati­ents and con­nect with other care­gi­vers glo­bal­ly to make their dia­gno­sis, tre­at­ment plan­ning, and pro­gno­sis more evi­dence-based, accu­ra­te, and sta­ble. For rese­ar­chers, the main goal is to, impro­ve the rese­arch methods, and pati­ents’ data can con­tri­bu­te to impro­ve the sta­te of the dise­a­ses glo­bal­ly. We build an app­li­ca­ti­on that gives pati­ents, care­gi­vers, and rese­ar­chers an ama­zing way of inter­ac­tion and sharing pati­ent-rela­ted data — given their own con­sent (!) — in an ethi­cal­ly sound, secu­re, and pri­va­cy-pre­ser­ving man­ner.

We con­tri­bu­te to a glo­bal public health bene­fit for poten­ti­al­ly each & every indi­vi­du­al.\
Wel­co­me to the CoHe­alth way, whe­re Sharing is Caring.


  • Karl Koch
  • David Moling
  • Amit Arvind Rajbhoj
  • Dani­el Agreiter


  • Chris­ti­an Hill

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